Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stupid Hickory Nuts

For some reason, the people that lived in our house 30 years ago thought it would be a good idea to plant a hickory tree right next to the driveway.  Well, it was a horrible idea.  These things drop on my car and leave nice huge dents on my hood.  Not only that, but they drop on our metal storage building and sound like gunshots when they hit it.  And I wouldn't be so mad about it if it were a pecan or walnut tree.  I'd be eating those things up.  But have you ever tried to break open a hickory nut and get the meat out?  It's wayyyy more trouble than it's worth. This year I decided to use these stupid nuts as fall decorations (this shall be revealed at a later time).  So anyways, the moral of the story is, don't plant a hickory tree near your driveway.  Trust me.


  1. Oh dear, that dosn't sound much fun! How cuteeee would they look painted as teeny tiny pumpkins though?

  2. wow this post is very interesting! thank you for sharing <3
    would you like to follow each other?

  3. That sounds like a pain :/ this area has black walnut trees everywhere because they used to be used for ink and other random things but the black walnuts can get as big as baseballs. I swear, one day I'll read a news article about someone getting killed by one of those falling. At least your finding good use for your hickory nuts!!

  4. Oh dude, this sucks so much that I had to read it out loud to my husband!

  5. What a great idea to use them as decorations! I've never actually seen a hickory tree. I'll be sure to NOT plant one in our yard. :)

  6. they would be lovely as decorations! Great blog, so I'm a new follower =)

  7. Is there any way to cook with them!? My gears are turning :)


    1. I know my grandma made some cookies out of them one year, but that's all I know to do with them.

  8. Your nails are super cute!
    And...Stupid Nuts.

  9. Be glad they aren't chestnuts. Those things are spiney and hurt like hell if you try to pick them up. My friend has some on the property across from hers and we picked a ton of them up (using grill tongs!) to shell and roast. But not before she dropped on on her foot wearing flip flops and I stabbing my hands multiple times trying to pry them open (using thick leather gloves).

  10. Oh no! That sounds pretty terrible. I am excited to see how you use them as decorations though. When live gives you lemons (aka hickory nuts)...

  11. haha same thing happens at my parents only with acorns!

    <3 katherine

  12. Well, it's not hickory, but we have a big 'ol walnut tree in the yard and I probably pick up 50+ nuts a day. Mostly a throw them in our soon to be green waste pile because theyre a pain in the ass to clean and all that. But Ive probably got close to a 100 all cleaned up and drying out waiting to be eaten. Until then my kid enjoys chucking them about the house and making my life miserable. Yay.


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